Hydraulic Pressure Switch Valve

Pressure switches are used in various applications that require an adjustable, pressure-actuated electrical switch to make or break an electrical circuit at a predetermined pressure. An electrical circuit may be used to actuate an electrically controlled valve or control an electric motor starter or a signal light. Figure 5-10 shows a pressure switch. Liquid, under pressure, enters chamber A. If the pressure exceeds the adjusted pressure setting of the spring behind ball 1, the ball is unseated. The liquid flows into chamber B and moves piston 2 to the right, actuating the limit to make or break an electrical circuit.

When pressure in chamber A falls below the setting of the spring behind ball 1, the spring reseats ball 1. The liquid in chamber B is throttled past valve 3 and ball 4 because of the action of the spring behind piston 2. The time required for the limit switch to return to its normal position is determined by valve 3’s setting.

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