2-Way Proportional Flow Control Valve with Downstream Pressure Compensator

The 2-way proportional flow control valve can control, independent o’ pressure and temperature, oil flow specified by the electrical signal. The most important components are the housing (t). the proportional solenoid with inductive positional transducer (2), the measuring orifice (3). the pressure compensator (4) as well as the optionally installed non-return valve (5).

The oil flow setting is determined by an electrical signal (command signal) set at a potentiometer. In conjunction with the electronic control (e.g. amplifier, type VT 5010). this set signal results in a corresponding current and therefore a proportional stroke of the proportional solenoid (stroke-controlled solenoid) Correspondingly, the measuring orifice (3) is shifted downwards, thereby releasing an opening to flow The position of the measuring orifice is fed back by the inductive positional transducer. Any deviations from the command signal are corrected by the closed loop control. The pressure compensator maintains the pressure drop at the measuring orifice at a constant value The oil How is therefore independent of load Good design of the measuring orifice ensures a low temperature drift

The measuring orifice is closed when the command signal is 0 % The measuring orifice closes in the case of power failure or cable breakage at the electrical positional transducer.

Starting without jump is possible from zero signal. The measuring orifice can be opened and closed with a delay via two ramps in the electrical amplifier.

Free return flow from B to A is possible via the non-return valve (5).

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